Saturday, September 13, 2014

Micro-Space Bonding Day 2

It's 2nd day of their micro-space bonding experiment. Since it's a Saturday today, it's also pellets for breakfast. They were so happy to see the pellets that they put their differences aside and shared that same pellet bowl. 

After a hearty meal, they decided to take a rest but Koogle (the ever very stubborn or dumb buck) simply refuses to snuggle with Cotton and at the litter box instead. I got this feeling that because of Koogle's stubborn nature, this experiment is going to be a long drawn one. :(

I attempted to place Koogle next to Cotton but failed. I guess certain thing is best to leave to them to work out the differences themselves. 

Cotton is seen grooming Koogle many times as we already knew but when Cotton asking for a groom from Koogle, the latter simply does nothing. That's so unfriendly of Koogle. >:( 

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