Friday, January 23, 2015

Modifying Charcoal's Litter Box I

It's time to improvise Charcoal's litter box since she seems to be pretty consistent at peeing in the litter box. It's a little unhygienic for her to step on the urine soaked cat bedding and occasional bedding pellets or poops get kicked out of the litter box when she hopped out.

This is her litter box set-up before the modification. 

Pee pad is retained for the latest litter box setup. I also added newspaper beneath the litter box as another layer of absorbent. 

I found this gem at Daiso where everything is $2! This rack is actually dish rack and it may be useful for the smaller litter box that Charcoal is using.

It provides sufficient depth as well!


As the holes of the racks are pretty large sized so I need to add on additional mat to protect her legs. So I try out the bath mat......


And the egg-crates......

I decided to try both! Ha hahahahahaha 

Ta-da! And the lead lady tested the new setup and she seems to like it!

It has been one day since she used it and so far so good. This shall be her litter box setup for now. :D

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Charcoal Been Here A Week!

Charcoal with for a week now! Time flies!!!

Let's see how she is doing now.... 

Showing off her beautiful dewlap....

Resting on my chest.....

A new configuration to her litter box to include water bowl. She has been drinking little amount of water like 200mL a day. Hmmmm.....and her hay intake is not much compared to the boys. Her small poops also a little concern. Hence for the time being, only giving her strict OWB hays and 1 tbs of pellet every morning. 

However, her litter training has been good so far. Maybe because her water intake is not a lot to begin with. Well, let's hope her litter training be as good as Cotton. :D

Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Toy - Pet Clipper!

Woo-hoo!!!! The pet clipper is finally here! I bought it for $12.40 with free delivery! What a super duper good deal! It operates on 2 AA batteries and the noise is as soft as men shaver. 

Let's unbox it! 

It comes with an instruction manual but I did not read it at first. In my excitement, I used the clipper without its clipper comb and directly on Cotton - he's my first animal tested for this product. Oops, and a small bald patch happened! So sorry my Cotton! 

There are 2 comb set with 4 different measurement ranging from 3mm to 16mm. 

It's indeed a cool device worth trying. Another new tool to my grooming kit. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Oh Charcoal!

Oh! Charcoal
I am but a fool
Darling, I love you
Though you shy me
You shy-off me
And you make me longing
But if you leave me
I will surely (be) lacking

Darling, there will never be another 
Cause I love you so
Don't ever leave me
Say you'll never go

I will always want you for my sweet heart
No matter what you do
Oh! Charcoal
I'm so in love with you

(Modified from Oh Carol song) 

Charcoal resting in her chicken-lay-egg position. 

Charcoal girl (火炭妹) meets Cotton boy (棉花哥) for first time! 

Her litter box habit training has been going very well! Now is the next stage of litter box arrangement - introduce pee pad and shred the newspapers. Tissue some of her pee and poops into the clean pan is still needed. She also been obedient to eat in her litter box after some re-positioning the hay rack. However, she doesn't seems used to having fresh vegetables. Hmmmm....

I also did some grooming on her. So much loose furs and the best thing is she was so cooperative during grooming time. 



Her long nails! 

The dried blood at the end of the nail making looking out for the quirk a little trickier! 

More pictures of her! 

For the first time, she rested by stretching out! It's her 3rd day at home! 

One day, she will flop and sleep with eyes closed in this household...... :D

Hear Me Roooooaaaarrrrrr!

Yes, Lionhead does roar!

Volume up to hear Cotton's roaring! 

Seems that this eldest bro does not like his younger piggy sister yet! Hahahah 

It's Poops and Poms

It's poops comparison time! 

I notice Charcoal's poops on a small side and does not eat much hays. Maybe she's stressed in the new environment, maybe she's not used to a hay diet. 

Today in her 2nd day with us, her hay intake seems more. Feeding her OWB hays mixed with Mountain grass mainly is my plan for her. 

Just when I thought Charcoal's poop is smaller, then I realized Koogle ain't much larger...only slightly. Hmmmm..... However both Charcoal and Koogle are eating and drinking well. Again, continue to monitor their health progress. 

Then a dear friend home baked us some hay cakes with leftover hays and banana. My 4 furkids all love it! 

Watch this video!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Welcome Charcoal

Welcome Charcoal to my household!

I waited for you a good one year. I fell in love with rabbits when I first saw you one year ago. You were meek and very docile. 

When I first saw you, you were cuddling and resting on a towel. I still keep this picture of you even till today. 

I got the cage and carrier albeit second handed but I got them for you and set up readily to welcome you. I was so ready for you that I even name you, Charcoal! 

But you weren't able to be adopted. So I went to SPCA and Cotton was adopted. As the saying goes, the rest is history........

Then one day, I was told I might be able to get now. Instantly, I asked for you if you are still available. You do not know how exhilarated I was when I was told and verified you can be collected anytime. So I applied work off immediately on the same day (15-Jan-2015 at about 1500hrs), I went down and took you home. 

On our way home, the journey was rough in the bus because we could not get a cab for past 30mins on the road or even dialing for one! 

The original intended recipient finally get to use the cage and carrier too! 

While quarantine her, I am also litter training her at the same time. 

There was so little basic information about Charcoal like gender, sterilization status, micro chip status or age. When I collected her, I have a hard time ascertain her gender. Yes, you should got the hint - it's a doe! (Update: she's a ND with silver marten coated)

Her dewlap finally appeared after sometime Hahahhaha. I felt her nipples but later realized bucks also have nipples. I tried to look for any penis and found none. She being a doe means half a battle won to bond her with Cotton and Koogle. 

If Charcoal is a buck, I would try to bond too but if bonding fails - bromance does not seems much of a preference to Cotton's liking, then rehoming will be the last resort. 

Let pray for another half battle to be won! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Random Pictures VIII - really random

I always watching my humans when they are changing sidekick's make sure no extra treats being given behind my back!

Inspired by the Cats musical poster....

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Toilet Mat for the New Year!

Recently I found a bath mat which I think might be worth trying to be used for Cotton's litter box. And it's not expensive (S$2.90 per piece) with thick steady plastic material and expandable too! 

There are only greens left so I bought 2 to try. Here how it's looked like: 

The walking surface of new bath mat also pretty smooth on contact. 

The flip-side of the bath mat shown there are sufficient depth be provided. 

And it is deeper than the egg-crate! 

But due to dimension issue, I can only fit on one mat and cable-tied one piece egg crate to cover most of the litter box surface. 

The holes of the mat also very similar to the egg-crate hence I do not worry about poops retention on it. As for the pee, Cotton has tendency to pee at corners hence pee retention also minimal to nil. My next experimental candidate - uncle Koogle!