Saturday, February 20, 2016

Jan-23rd: First Volunteer Stint at Hospice

Cotton: my first assignment with wifey on our trained volunteer at a hospice. 

Sometimes we take turn to comfort the patient....

Wifey a bit offended by being cupped at her butt. Hahahaha I'm joking. 

Sometimes I got caressed. That's part of the volunteer job I have to face. 

Sometimes I get as many as a few medical fans who just adored me and caressed me. Hahaha. I'm just too charming. 

Sometimes me and wifey will have to squeeze a bit for space. 

Size ain't matter. Who is afraid of the big black dog! We bunnies are larger than life. 

While waiting for our transport to come, my mummy did some photo taking on us again. Sigh..... 

I can be a poser at times. Hahahaha 

My first assignment is a success! It happened once a month on every 4th Saturday. Recently, my mummy is a bit ill so not sure if I am able to continue doing this in Feb and Mar. I bet my medical fans and patients will miss me. 

2016 Monkey Year - Chinese New Year

Cotton: Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to my followers and readers. May the God of Fortune blesses all of you in 2016. Huat ah!

My mummy has been busy with her work in Jan-Feb since the start of 2016. Then my god-siblings - 2 guinea pigs, came to board with us for a week so she did not have time to update my blog. I am quite comprehensive though because she compensated me with many nice imported herbs, local grown leafy vegetables and home-grown herbs as well. Not forgetting those daily treats from daddy. Hence I am satisfied and forgave my hoo-mans. :)

This is my 2nd year of CNY with my mummy and daddy but is Cindy Charcoal's first CNY with us as my wife. This year is a special and memorable year for us because I overheard that my mummy and daddy discussing to bring us to house visit too! My mummy asked me if I am okay to do house visit with them and of course I welcomed the idea, because I always charmed visitors with my handsome face and cuddly fats that I always get more treats from them in return. So I gave my mummy the green light and started cleaning my playpen by licking around. Then my mummy said no no....not visitors to our house but we are going to other people's house. Oh! What a waste of my licking but nonetheless, I told her up to her.

On the morning itself, my mummy began preparing our food. See....fresh fennel, radicchios, blueberries and lettuces. Yummy!!!!

Then my mummy put Cindy charcoal and Pignic in the stroller first. Look at the 2 ladies.....Although wifey looked physically larger than my sister, their weight are similarly close! Wifey weighed 1.17kg while my fat piggy sister weighed 968g!!! Holy grail!!!

Now that's me - the white, charming and handsome bun. I looked a bit grouchy because it was a bit squeezed. I have a fat bum, you see.  

Me and my piggy sister trying to tell my mummy if this was the best way she going to put us through the journey. I think the answer was an apparent YES. Argh!

My questioning look.

The first stop was to my mummy's University mentor's house. There was a garden in the terrace house and so wifey and I helped ourselves to it. Whee!!!!

Got scolded by my hoo-mans for bullying a Chi-huahua

Cindy simply did not run or binky around the garden. She just laid at the side and enjoy the serenity ambience of the garden.

Not for me to stay-still. I binky, and did many bunny-500 runs. Yipeeeeeee

Cindy just simply refused to move. Maybe she was shy.

Our 2nd stop was my maternal grandparents' house. We got our red-packet!!!!! I love grandmother because she likes me very much. She is impressed that I do not afraid of her small dog - hey, I worked with large dog at hospice and learning journey so I do not fear of dogs. She also impressed that I am very toilet-trained. Of course I am, else I get spanking from my mummy. She even impressed that I can be cuddled and because of my medium sized and fats, I was cuddled like a newborn baby. Well, I am okay to be handled because I am used to it.

When I came home, I was still very upbeat and energetic. My parents were amused at my high energy despite going to 2 house visit today. However, the following day, I slept like a log. I love sleeping with AC turned on. Life is good for me. :D