Saturday, January 17, 2015

It's Poops and Poms

It's poops comparison time! 

I notice Charcoal's poops on a small side and does not eat much hays. Maybe she's stressed in the new environment, maybe she's not used to a hay diet. 

Today in her 2nd day with us, her hay intake seems more. Feeding her OWB hays mixed with Mountain grass mainly is my plan for her. 

Just when I thought Charcoal's poop is smaller, then I realized Koogle ain't much larger...only slightly. Hmmmm..... However both Charcoal and Koogle are eating and drinking well. Again, continue to monitor their health progress. 

Then a dear friend home baked us some hay cakes with leftover hays and banana. My 4 furkids all love it! 

Watch this video!