Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Toilet Mat for the New Year!

Recently I found a bath mat which I think might be worth trying to be used for Cotton's litter box. And it's not expensive (S$2.90 per piece) with thick steady plastic material and expandable too! 

There are only greens left so I bought 2 to try. Here how it's looked like: 

The walking surface of new bath mat also pretty smooth on contact. 

The flip-side of the bath mat shown there are sufficient depth be provided. 

And it is deeper than the egg-crate! 

But due to dimension issue, I can only fit on one mat and cable-tied one piece egg crate to cover most of the litter box surface. 

The holes of the mat also very similar to the egg-crate hence I do not worry about poops retention on it. As for the pee, Cotton has tendency to pee at corners hence pee retention also minimal to nil. My next experimental candidate - uncle Koogle!