Monday, September 15, 2014

Micro-Space Bonding Day 1 after Reset

This morning when I woke up, I saw them snuggled!

I'm so happy but Koogle looked weird so I went to side to see clearly.

Ahhh...ic. He's not relaxing but sitting down only. So I decided to make some humors out in the pictures.

Then at noon time, I checked them out via IP camera.

Was Koogle really sleeping next to Cotton? I cannot adjusted the angle clearly but it seems like it. But I'm not convinced fully Koogle accepting Cotton. The real test is when I expanded their space. 

At 1:43pm: 

At 7pm...

Koogle did not snuggle immediately after I changed their litter box. He was actually snoozing on the litter box. When I was about to snap a picture of it, he actually startled and moved to sleep with Cotton. Hmmmmmmm.....

Hmmmm....maybe micro-space for one more day? 


  1. That's so cute! I'm glad that Koogle is budging a little bit, even if it is only a couple millimetres! BTW, do you happen to know where you can get Small Pets Select hay in SG? Thanks, Cocoa the Guinea Pig

    1. Hallo Cocoa! Thanks for reading! Yes, you're right - every mm moved by Koogle is an encouraging sign. You can get SPS from or those pet shops at Serangoon. Hope it helps :)
