Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Caught in red-hand (literary)!

I don't like to be maligned for things not done by me, so I do not want to discipline my boys randomly as well. The stray pee problem has to be solved but who is the culprit? One of them or both will commit the offence while I was asleep or at work. 

So this morning, I decided to lock up just Koogle in the playpen and let Cotton free roamed. I also sprayed the diluted vinegar in the playpen.  When I came home later in the evening, ah-ha.....! It's definitely Koogle. Cotton could not possibly stray peeing into the middle of the playpen.  

And I also notice Koogle turns fussy eating as his hay rack still looks pretty much filled but definitely finished all the pellets and flipped both the bowls. Well-done, Koogle (in sacasm). Well, I'm not going to spoil him and buy APD gold or Small Pets Select hays just to pacify his fussy eating habits. 

He has to be litter back to the cage tonight. I did not want to waste my effort on their bonding so he will go to the cage when we at work and at sleep. Cotton and him will eat fresh vegetables and pellets together and that's the time he get his taste of freedom. 

When will he get his jail-free card? Well, Koogle, only you can help yourself. 

They seems to know something not too right when they saw the cage. Koogle did something rather unusual. He actually snuggled with Cotton. 

Needless to say, gentlebun Cotton kissed his sidekick affectionately while his sidekick simply enjoying the groom. :S 

Well, I'm not going to change my mind on retraining Koogle on his litter habit by confining in the cage. 

It's pretty amazing to say that Koogle started to eat his hay when he is inside the cage. If only he stops his marking and be pee-disciplined, then this cage is redundant and I be happy to let him free roam like the past 2 nights. As of now, I can sleep with ease of no stray pee cleaning concerns the following day. :D 

More juicy updates of Koogle's litter retraining is found here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pandora! I saw that there is a new female dwarf rabbit at SPCA. She's a year old, and doesn't seem to be the type that sheds. I was just wondering if you want to get another bun. :)
