Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Renovating His Playpen

So I went to the $2 shop again and to do some renovation to improve Cotton's litter-box to include a water bowl. As Cotton is very strong, so I also got an anti-slip mat to be placed underneath his litter-box to prevent him from moving his litter-box.

Anti-slip mat under his litter-box
As his cage base is no longer in use in his playpen, so there is no support to hold his log up and he could not use it anymore. He seems a little sad about it at first. So we bought some wooden blocks and cable-tie, hoping to level up the log a few inches.

Ta-da! And it is done within minutes. However, Cotton has yet to use it. Shall see over the time.

I also got him a metal hanging container to contain his dry hays. Now he is eating just like a horse stable concept. His litter-box space is limited and Cotton is rather big in size, hence, to have his water bowl, dry hay and treats - fresh vegetables/pellet, within that small tray and not disturbing his litter habits is really challenging.

So how did he fare under his newly renovated litter-box?

Not bad. His water bowl is also quite clean after a few hours of use - with minimal contamination from the dry hays and pellets.

The price of the renovation project: $16. :D

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