Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Holland Lop Wannabe

I always think Holland Lop breed buns are very cute and resemble like a puppy. Well, breed does not come to my mind when adopting Cotton. It becomes a 'feel' matter such as if Cotton and I simply 'click' or not. It's Chemistry, not Physics.

Cotton has a tendency to loop down his left ear and raise his right ear as a radar to survey his surroundings during rest mode. So I wonder if his right ear can be loop down as well and so I did one day.

Now I have a Holland Lop breed bun whenever I want! Hahaha 

Cotton is pretty cooperative with his mummy (yours truly) and he kept his both his ears loop down for quite a while for the camera. Cotton says Cheese to camera. 

PS: Cotton is a cross lionhead, in case you are wondering. From his physical appearance, he appears to be a single mane lionhead. 

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