I always want to get a pet stroller for Cotton and Charcoal since I will be bringing them out as often as once a month for the pet-assisted therapy and the occasion Learning Journey (LJ) on Responsible Pet Ownership on rabbits. Therefore I think getting a pet stroller is going to be a well-invested item.
Prices for pet stroller can come anything from S$70 to $500 and more. As I do not own a vehicle currently, I need my pet stroller which is compact and foldable to take the cab. This is especially so when Uncle Hubby is unable to accompany me to LJ where it usually held on weekdays and time off from work is needed.
After browsing for a while for that perfect pet stroller, I finally found one! Uncle Hubby also approved the purchase! It's the Marukan Pet Stroller for small animals. It comes with only one color and the bag is able to be detached as a portable carrier and the metal frame can be folded.
This is the full picture.
With the discount coupon of $4 for hitting the minimal purchase, I paid S$216 for the item with free delivery.
Unboxing the item.
The carrier comes with a litter tray and mesh and this is such a great added bonus. Most pet strollers I seen do not have this litter tray. The right most item is for Velcro the water bottle.
The rubberized wheels are really thick and solid-feel.
Back of the carrier also allow a water bottle to be velcroed on. The stroller comes with a water bottle carrier too!
Cotton and Charcoal took their test ride after the setup.
Basically, I am very satisfied with this pet stroller and can't wait to try it soon.