Sunday, August 23, 2015

Night Free Roaming

By the time this blog is written and posted, Cotton and Charcoal have free roamed during the nights for more than a week now. 

It's tough to take pictures at night without flash, hence this post is going to be pictureless and I try to be as descriptive as possible.

After they were bonded, they were given day roaming on weekends at our supervision. This was on-going for 2 months and they both showed consistently excellent potty behavior without stray pee and poops. Hence I decided to try giving them night free roaming while we hoomans asleep. 

On the first night, they were super excited and happy that Cotton "made" a lot of noise with his cat collar kept ringing when he hopped around. The first night was a great success - no stray pee, poop or any nuisance chewing. This was going good until on the 4th night that I caught Cotton chewing one of my boxes edge. In a fit of anger, they were locked back into their pen for that night. I had to tape the damages done. :(

So I think back what I did incorrectly and why Cotton was destructive in behavior. He is usually very obedient and an intelligent bun who knows exactly what I want. Then I realized I did not kiss both of them goodnight and warn them No Stray Pee or Poops or Chewing! Unbelievable, right? Since then, I have to kiss them goodnight and warn them the same thing and they would be well-behaved. No more chewing incident since then for now. *finger-crossed* 

Every working weekdays' mornings, Cotton and Charcoal would return to their pen at 5:30 ish am to await for me to wake up to bring them pellets for their breakfast. Pignic (our guinea pig) would wheek happily for her pellets too and she too another intelligent rodent! 

On every weekends' mornings where I have a tendency to sleep longer, Cotton would hop into our bedroom to check me out. Sometimes he would hop in his bunny 500 speed noisily with his cat collar to seemingly trying to wake us up. Take for this morning as an example, Cotton attempted twice to wake me up and check on me at 5:16am and 7:15am. Such a nuisance..... a cute and adorable nuisance. 

Charcoal is happy with the night free roaming arrangement too. She would hop next to me whenever I was cleaning their pen. Yes, that close to me now. Pets understand the love we have for them, I feel. They understood my warning and kissing given to them every night. This shall be the arrangement for the next few months and when I think they are ready, the fence will be torn down - penless. :D 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Project Fat Fat

Charcoal: my mummy current obsession on us now is making me fat. Her targeted weight set for me is 1.3kg :O

Last weighed in 14-July, I was 1065g. About close to 3-4weeks later, my mummy weighed me again. 

11-Aug: 1123g. It's a jump of 40g!

She weighed me again on 17-Aug: I was 1135g - a mere 10g more within a week. 

So now my mummy knows the way to fattening me up without syringing me daily - feed us with veggies daily. 

My mummy is a weird person because she used to control our pellet diet too and now she would fill our pellet bowl to let us eat till to our hearts' content. This means to say she will give us an amount which husbun and I will finish and stop eating further in that one feeding timing in every morning. If there is any excess, she would clear away. So you tell me, how not to get fat like that???? It just a matter of time that I will reach her targeted weight.

23-Aug-2015 weight update:

Another 10g more within a week! Another baby step closer to the ideal 1.3kh target!

My mummy has stopped syringe feeding me for a week now. She said I should be able to gain weight through the normal diet provided - hays, veggies, supplement and pellets. She forgot to add: a dose of love and happiness too! I want to be a happy fat doe if she desires my weight to be increased. 

29-Aug-2015: In just 6 days, I'm 22g heavier! No way!!! I am now 1167g! 

My mummy has stopped syringe feeding me and served only vegetables, more pellets and plenty of hays. Somehow with the free roaming at night, husbun and me tends to eat more hays at night too. My mummy now needs to top up twice a day - morning and evening. 

My weight gained also resulted my spine bone less easily felt than before. I am also more chubbier to be cuddle. However, I am still far away from my targeted 1.3kg weight so my mummy is not giving up! :O 

7-Sep-2015: She weighed 1230g!!! 70g away from the targeted weight! Woohoo! 

Till then, watch this space for more updates! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Random Pictures X: Chillax in AC room

Weather has been horribly hot and humid these days and so the bunnies know air conditioning is their best friend now. Hahaha

Cool air sure beats the weather heat away. :)